Friday, December 6, 2013

Welcome...I'm Lovestruck!

Welcome friends to Lovestruck! It's been 2 years since I last blogged and boy have I missed it! I got caught up in a very unfortunate technical malfunction resulting in the deletion of my previous blog...I swear It had nothing to do with the ignoring of the suggested backup everyday! My pouting is finally become immature and not so cute and I'm ready to embark in a new blogging journey. Fashion, food, crafting and hopefully some inspiration along the way. The New Year is something I've been genuinely looking forward to and can't wait to be able to share the journey with all of you!


Brittney said...

OMMMMGGGGGG!!!!! Your back in action and I couldn't be more excited. I'm pretty sure Im stalking you since you haven't told anyone but yahhh!

Mollye M. said...

I was so thrilled when I got the gmail update that your back writing. I have missed your blogging. Your the best!

Wendy Fairton said...

You don't know me but, I used to read your blog everyday back in the day and was so bummed. So happy that your back on the blogsphere!

Chelsea Smith said...

Okay! This is awesome. Since I was on your newsfeed from forever ago I saw that your writing again. I always love your topics. A great mix of everything.

Brianna S. said...

Oh Lauren my lovely! You have been so missed and I'm so happy your getting back into your craft

Kristen M. said...

sooo happy that your starting this blog. I was so bummed, as Im sure you were more when your blog was deleted. HUGE BUMMER

Tara O. said...

so, Katie just informed me that you started a new blog and I was so excited I checked it out right away. simply beautiful, just like you.

Vanessa O. said...

Apparently the word got out that you started writing again. So excited to follow you.

Laura P. said...

Lauren, can't wait to see what the new year holds for you. You are so talented, missed your posts.

Lauren Pritcher said...

You've always been one of my favorite bloggers for your honesty and fun ideas. I can't wait for your journey Lauren.

Christine P. said...

The day has come, haha. I've been waiting for you to start blogging again. yah

Kaitlyn Moore said...

The blog design is beautiful and I love the name. So excited to follow your posts.

Kaitlyn Moore said...

The blog design is beautiful and I love the name. So excited to follow your posts.

Kaitlyn Moore said...

The blog design is beautiful and I love the name. So excited to follow your posts.

Kristine Ervin said...

Really happy for you Lauren and of course so excited to see what you have in store for all of us.