Friday, December 20, 2013

A Simple Hello

"The most wonderful gift one human being can give to another is, in some way, to make that person’s life a little bit better to live."- John  Assaraf

What a simple yet powerful notion. We can get so caught up with the busyness of our day that we forget about the people around us. How nice it is to get an unexpected greeting from a clerk or coworker. It's enough to possibly make your day better in some aspect. Throughout the day, think of doing something to make someone's life better. It can be as easy as asking someone how their day is to a much more involved situation of helping someone. Doing something kind for others, whether you know them or not will in turn make your life much more fulfilling.


Kelsey M. said...

Is that you in the first pic? Love the message, totally believe in small things to brighten others day

Melissa James said...

So true, love this!

Vanessa Harper said...

This is such a great post lauren. It so amazing how much a simple gesture can do.

Annie Stemach said...

I was really touched by this post. I decided to put it into my practice and it like you said it makes you feel really good about perhaps making their day better.

Rachel Orlando said...

I've been really working on this one. I've always loved the saying that everyone is struggling with something. Why not attempt to make their life a bit more happy

Alex Perez said...

I read this post a couple weeks ago and have really made a conscious effort to keep it in mind throughout the day. I don't always succeed but I'm sure doing much better! Thanks Lauren!