Tuesday, January 14, 2014


I'm sitting in Starbucks as trying to think of some inspiration on what to write about. I don't always have a topic to write about but somehow a random thought sparks and I run with it. As I'm sitting here with my laptop drinking my coffee and eating an unhealthy pastry, I see a man just outside the window directly in front of me. He's frail and tired, he is weathered wearing torn up clothing and It's as if he couldn't take one more step before slouching over the trashcan. After a couple minutes of him spitting up, I ran out with a glass of water and offered to purchase him some food. He refused.

I walked back into Starbucks and witnessed dozens of people walk right by him looking with a mix of concern with even more disgust. Not one person had enough decency to ask if they could help or how he was doing. Really? This deeply saddens me. Do we feel we are above those who suffer with addiction or homelessness? It's not like the first time they took that first sip of alcohol, snorted cocaine or shot up heroine they thought to themselves, "this is going to ruin my life, I'm most likely going to end up homeless, eventually lose touch with all my family and when I decide I'm done with this lifestyle I will be so far gone with this addiction that I will deal with such severe withdrawals that I will most likely die of a grand Mal seizure." I'm surely not a saint, and most certainly I have passed those in need for fear and ignorance. All I ask is that we as a community of loving people start to look at those with mental illness, physical limitations and addictions in a different light. They are people just as we are they have just been dealt a different set of cards in life. They have feelings, they are suffering and they need love just as all humans need.

"There is a lot that happens around the world we cannot control. We cannot stop earthquakes, we cannot prevent droughts, and we cannot prevent all conflict, but when we know where the hungry, the homeless and the sick exist, then we can help."
Jan Schakowsky

Such an awesome picture!


Katie Grant said...

Beautifully written Lauren!

Danika said...

So touched by this. There is so much stigma associated with mental illness and addiction. People are so uneducated with this subject.

Frankie said...

My brother is an addict and I really appreciate you writing this. People are terrified of him when in reality he is just a person looking for love.

Katrina Culver said...

Goodness Lauren, your bringing 2014 pretty hot and heavy! This was a great read. Thanks for bringing light to those who suffer from addiction

Stacey Lullier said...

You my dear have a heart of gold, it's inspiring to know there are people in this world with this perspective.

Amelia Kirk said...

I love your perspective on this topic. You honestly opened my eyes to viewing those with addictions and homeless as suffering with a disease rather than being just lazy.

Karen Blakey said...

Nothing makes me feel more hopeless than seeing a druggie on the streets begging for money. I am torn bc I know the money is most likely going to booze or drugs but then again maybe that's what they need to get through the day without crazy withdrawal.

Crystal Tadem said...

thanks for writing about this Lauren. I work in the city and see so many people suffering. It makes me think before casting judgment.

Emily Hicks said...

It's pretty powerful how much addiction can rob us of everything important in life. Such a difficult disease to battle especially without support. Awesome post.

Laura Buskirk said...

Thanks for reminding me to be perhaps a bit more kind and less judgmental. We all have a story and are dealing with a past.

Jamie Ryan said...

This post really touched me, I actually passed it along to a couple ppl who have dealt with similar issues. Captures the disease and stigma. Thank you for you kind heart and shedding light in this subject.

Erica Frankle said...

I also really appreciate this post. It's so common walking around the city to see people step over homeless as if they aren't there. No compassion.