Monday, May 18, 2015

Heart Journey

So much of life is dictated by circumstances such as jobs, family, finances, etc. Is there really any 'perfect' time to do anything? We tell ourselves that after x, y and z need to be accomplished and only then can we contemplate doing that thing we've longed to do. "After I've saved enough money then I can think about traveling or we'll start trying for kids when were more stable in our careers." Yes, there are certain essentials in life that we are responsible for but the reality is that many, including myself, put off doing something until the situation seems 'right'. What I've learned is that life is completely and utterly uncertain. The path you thought you were going to take can take an abrupt and unforeseen twist and turn. This certainly keeps us on our toes, reminding us that as logical and organized we planned our life we aren't always in charge of how things work out. I hope that if there is something you've been holding off on such as a new career, making amends, finding love, traveling, discovering faith, etc. that you don't put it off any longer. Make a list of what you want in life and do it!   Ask yourself, "will this matter to me in 5-10 years?" This has helped me in recognizing what is worthy of my energy.

And so I've decided to take an adventure of a life time after years of putting it off. More details to come but I'm excited yet a bit overwhelmed which is thrilling and expected. I am blessed to have the opportunity to travel and help others!