Sunday, February 23, 2014

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Power of Prayer

Wow, she is so pretty!

Goodness, it seems as if my posts these days are all about heavy life topics. Not my normal mix of  fashion or foods that I adore! Don't worry though, I'll get there but for this moment in time, these topics only seems appropriate. From what I'm hearing from all of you is that I'm not alone. We are in this crazy beautiful life together. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for your support through messages, You are all so wise, funny and definitely know how to brighten a gals day! Isn't it amazing how the power of love and support can make you feel so comforted even if we are scattered around the world? To the couple readers I have in Russia, I hope you are having a blast with the Olympics there!

As many of you may know, my Mom has been battling breast cancer for over 6 years now. She's been through countless surgeries, a double mastectomy, endless radiation, chemotherapies and nearly any and every medication available to help her fight. If ever I have seen someone as a true warrior, it is her. She fights cancer as if she's an Olympian athlete, taking care of her body and has more energy and love for life than anyone I know; both sick or healthy. In all honesty she often puts me to shame with her stamina and energy levels, staying up late at night, happy as a clam and overall a true inspiration.

There are people in life that are just naturally special to you and it's not just because your related, it's because they exude a personality trait that you admire and strive to have. My mother is the most special person I will ever meet. She has a contagiously positive and loving personality that puts 100% into anything and everything she does. I don't really think anything less than 100% is in her genetic makeup. When given a simple task or a project she has in mind, it's done beyond anyone's imagination. In fact, in my humble opinion I think she is a better version of Martha Stewart! (take that!) Just a quick example of her kindness is when I had a VERY small and simple procedure a few months back and she showed up at my doorstep with dinner. This meal was after finding out about new editions of tumors that had surrounded her body.  She didn't want to mention it to have me worry until she felt I was better and she had gathered more information from the doctors.

The previous post I wrote about surrounding yourself with only the best couldn't be more true for her, she has always had this special ability to make friends that become family. Friends that love her so dearly, and look up to her so much that they have committed to praying for her every morning at 7am.

Life is beautiful but it sure has it's bumps along the way. I know I am not the only one to deal with someone they love being sick but perhaps now, I truly understand the heartache. All you want is for it all to be over, for them to be pain-free, healthy and back to normal. It can be defeating at times when you feel that all of your endless prayers become unanswered and the battle only lingers on. Then again,  who am I to feel defeated? To pretend I am God, knowing the future and getting upset with Him. I know better than to hold bitterness or resentment even if at times it can be a tough journey, it's a journey that is not in our hands.

The one story that will forever be engraved in my heart and mind is when my Mom shared with me an encounter she had with a friend at the grocery store. Her friend has also been dealing with cancer and they were in a conversation about how they both were doing. Her friend said, "Don't you just sometimes ask WHY God??? WHY me?, WHY do I have to go through this all??" and my mom simply replied, "No, I don't." My mom's faith is so strong that she has never asked God why. I was literally awestruck when she told me this story. I know myself I have asked many times why, I have been angry, resentful and at times have questioned my faith. Her faith however, is so strong that she knows that she exactly where she is supposed to be and she has surrendered her path to Him. Wow, this is just another example of amazing lessons she has taught me.

What an inspiration, I am ever so lucky to have a wonderful faithful woman in my life that I get to call my mother. I am blessed and will cherish every second I spend with her, every lesson she has taught and continues to teach me. She is beautiful, she is strong and she is simply lovely.

Thank you for your continued prayers. I will pray for all of you as well. There is so much power in prayer and so much beauty in this world. Please know that you are never alone. That when you don't feel comforted, you are. For when you feel like letting go, don't. For God has a plan for you that surpasses your expectations. Put your faith in Him and know that I am always here for you.

P.S.- The power of prayer is real. My mom was accepted into a trial chemotherapy that has never been done on humans. She had her first treatment today and just texted me that she is tired but doing well!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


     This stuck a cord with me as soon as I read it.  I immediately printed it and placed it on the fridge. I especially loved the reminder to, "surround yourself with those who see greatness within you, even when you don't see it yourself."
    There are days when I wake up feeling as if I could conquer the world and other's when I wake up feeling inadequate; whether feeling as if I haven't accomplished the goals I had attended to at this time in life, petty stress from work, appearance, family or nearly anything in between.
    In general, many people are far too hard on themselves (including myself) when it comes to categories such as work, family, being a good wife/husband, social life and meeting goals. In fact, according to a recent study published by Huffington Post, "78% of people feel less-than," when it comes to these categories. This is really unfortunate although not too surprising. The phrase "keeping up with the Jones'" comes to mind. As much as we may tell ourselves that keeping up with other's is not important, in some capacity we do care, it's in our chemistry and in a certain capacity can be a good thing that evokes motivation.
    I urge you to keep this quote in mind when thinking of the people you surround yourself with. If you find other's to be putting you down, being flaky with your time, and generally not reciprocating the kindness your giving then  they may not be the type of person you spend your time investing in. As we grow up, I think we learn the hard way that not all friends are life-long friends. People change due to many circumstances but what is refreshing is to know that your best friends will be there for you no matter what. Surround yourself with those that cherish you, lift your spirits when your down, laugh with you so hard your stomach hurts, provide genuine advice in tough times and ultimately bring you happiness. Life is FAR too short to waste your time on anything but the best.